Week 1 ! Below are the 6 sets of one pt perspectives which combine T Blocks together: Wasn't too sure about the theories, I also used some quotes related to architecture.
Interconnected yet distinct
Less is a bore
Yes is more
Balance of contradicting parts
Monumentally Informal

Constant reflections of the past
Architecture must burn
Defensible Space
Monumentally Informal
Architecture as a translation of music
Creating wide spaces and small spaces
Yearning for timelessness
Architecture should be self organising, like nature.
From abstract to the real
Architecture is the how of how to waste space
Plan libre
Touch the earth lightly
Having grown up in NSW, my lumion landscape was inspired by Govett's Leap in the Blue Mountains region. I had the opportunity to hike this trail when I did the Duke of Ed. Award and it was a great experience.
Govett's Leap
Environment in Lumion
Article Mashup
I read 3 articles and came up with these ideas .. still needs work but here is what I have so far:
Possible Theory: "Outside the box, connect the dots"
(encouraging people to extend beyond their fields of knowledge and learn from one another)
- Architecture's ability to shape tomorrow's places is more significant than its role in producing buildings.
- Architecture is not just about the act of building, but also about the building of relationships between people.
- Architecture should encourage us to think about the abundance of knowledge that is present within society, and how knowledge from different fields can be utilised to achieve a common vision. We should strive to step out of our disciplinary comfort zones, and learn by collaborating with one another. Good things come in small packages, and we must acquire the skills to seek out and harness everyone's abilities.
- In the field of engineering, it is important to be able to see the key elements of problems, to be systematic and logical and to persevere.
- Technology is bridging gaps in communication between architects and engineers. Architectural-computing have become increasingly important to developing innovation in design and practice, especially in the cultivation of diversity.
Architectural Computing
Good things come in small packages, and should be used to our advantage.
Architecture encourages us to step out of our our disciplinary comfort zones, and learn by collaborating with one another through activities such as workshops. It is important to be able to see the key elements of problems, to be systematic and logical, whilst also being innovative in design and practice. This cultivation of diversity will allow us to generate new and interesting solutions to improve society.
*Other Idea for a Possible Theory
As abstract art
forms based on rhythm, proportion and harmony, architecture and music share a
clear cultural lineage. Now, through digital expression, architecture can
attain new heights of creative supremacy.
With this in
mind, we should step out of our disciplinary comfort zones and by collaborate
with one another through activities such as workshops, like musicians in an
orchestra. This will lead to a
cultivation of diversity that will allow for the generation of new and
interesting ideas.
architects* will be able see the key elements of problems, to be systematic and
logical, whilst also being innovative in design and practice.
Architectural Computing