Thursday, May 22, 2014


2pt Perspectives: 

Concepts describe the 2pt perspectives from left to right: 

*Form follows function 
*touch the earth lightly 
*form follows function

*The house is a machine for living 
*plan libre
*less is a bore 

*Ornament and crime 
*stability / static 
*Architecture must burn 

*from abstract to real 
*Architecture should be self organising like nature 
*defensible space 

*Complexity and contradiction 
*monumentally informal 
*balance of contradicting parts 

*yes is more 
*less is more 
*architecture is the art of how to waste space 

Moving Elements (Music-Architecture Theory) 

Moving Element 1: 
I was inspired by the OperaLab Pavillion, where people can move up and down in their seats.  

I tried making a vertical screen with this idea of moving seats, this could occupy a lecture space where students will have the freedom to "move around" when viewing lecture content. 

When the seats are moving, it looks like music notes on across a stave, 
or even dials on a sound control system. 

Moving Element 2:

Piano Lid "Roof" - I think the mechanism of a piano lid is quite interesting (balance of weights). This could be used for an area in the architecture school, such as a meeting space where the ceiling opens. 

I also find that the interior of a piano has rather interesting qualities, the image below almost looks like a room with some louvers at the top. 

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